Author. Visionary. Rebel.
I create, and in doing so, reveal the Creator.
Born at the tail end of the 70’s, I reveled in the pop culture of the 80’s and 90’s, building my childhood around the success of Star Wars, the jokes of Ace Ventura, and the adventure of The Goonies. My passion for writing began in the early 90’s, and I finished my first novel when I was 16. With the death of my grandmother - who was my biggest fan - I stopped writing and sought adventure, traveling constantly between California and Arizona as I fought to find a purpose while also walking the long-winding, and incredibly narrow, trail of faith.
Decades later, I find myself here in Arizona, married to a spectacular woman, son by my side, and a long road of written stories behind me.
Here’s a few highlights of who I am and what I believe in…
Ever since I was a child, I have loved to write. What began as a short story for my 6th grade class in Enchanted Hills Elementary School in Rio Rancho, NM, has turned into a novel series, a slew of short stories, and a career in the written word. My writing now falls into a genre described as ‘a different kind of Christian fiction.’
Writing and reading naturally lead to editing. Not only have I edited my work and the work of my friends, but I was editor-in-chief for a small press for five years, and I now work on a variety of different freelance projects involving grammar and the legendary ‘Grammar Nazi’ title.
What usually comes after writing and editing? Publishing, of course. After realizing the genre my own stories fell into didn’t exactly exist yet, I set forth and self-published my books. From there, things evolved into the creation of a small press. Now I’m back to self-publishing (for the moment), but I have come to appreciate the work that goes into both self-publishing and running an actual publishing company.